Often in the 22 week of November there is a rise in temperatures and sunny days.
Despite the scientific explanations it remains a phenomenon shrouded in myths and legends of Christian origin that have become part of the popular belief.
San Martino is celebrated on November 11, and this meteorological phenomenon that lasts about 3 days occurs in that period and was therefore called "Summer of San Martino".
Saint Martin was a humble and charitable soldier who lived in France between 316 and 397 D. C.
After about 20 years in the army he abandoned his military life for religious life. He even became bishop of Tours.
Legend has it that on a cold and rainy autumn day (probably 11 November) Martin rode out of one of the gates of the city of Amiens, France, and came across a very poor man, naked and cold.
Saint Martin took pity and cut off his woolen cloak to give him half. The rain stopped after a few moments. The sky opened and the sun rose, making the temperature immediately milder.
Martin dreamt that night that Jesus revealed to him that he was the beggar to whom he had given his cloak. Since then, legend has it that every year there is a break from the cold to commemorate that November 11.