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The Sword of Fire - Budapest

According to legend, when the Huns marched through the Asian steppes to the west, they carried a sword that was said to be forged by the "heavenly god" father of all the gods.

For shamans, as long as this sword remained in the possession of the Huns, no one could ever defeat them.

Problems arose after the conquest of Scythe, a region corresponding to the present day Kazakhstan, southern Russia and eastern Ukraine having become too numerous, the Huns decided to split into two groups.

One would remain in Scythia; the other would continue westward to conquer the Roman Empire.

To lead this second warlike group was called the young Attila.

Between the two groups I start a bitter quarrel over who should keep the sword.

After debating three days and three nights, they accepted the advice of the shamans: a blind man would twirl the sword of God seven times and then throw it away.

If the sword had fallen westward, the Huns would have taken it, if it had fallen eastward, it would have remained with the Magyars (that is, the group that remained in Scythia).

The sword was rotated and thrown, but while it was in the air it disappeared without a trace.

So the Huns, led by Attila, decided to leave anyway without the divine weapon.

During the journey, a shepherd saw a mare of his flock limp, followed the traces of blood and in the long run came to a sword that the animal had involuntarily trampled while gnawing the grass.

He dug it up and took it directly to Attila who immediately recognized it as the divine sword.

According to legend, it is thanks to this sword that Attila managed to accomplish his feats and earned the famous nickname "Scourge of God".

The Huns settled on the banks of the Danube and Kasbah, son of Attila, founded a city, which over the years became Buda.

Interestingly, in 2014 during excavations in Budapest, a group of archaeologists unearthed a spectacular 6th century tomb belonging to a great Hun leader, probably King Attila himself.

Among the objects found at the site there is also a sword built from meteoric iron, which could be that of the legend.

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