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The olive tree - Athens

According to the myth, Athens was founded in 1500 A.C. by two gods, Poseidon and Athena, who later quarreled over who should give their name and protection to the city.

To put an end to the quarrel, the two gods decided to refer to the judgment of the Athenians:

Poseidon, striking with his trident the ground, raised a splendid horse and very fast that he gave to the citizens and promised his support in battle.

Athena instead hit the rock with his spear and sprouted a magnificent olive tree, promising the inhabitants the gift of wisdom, intelligence and peace.

The Olive is an evergreen resistant and long-lived plant, able to withstand the summer drought and cold winds, which represents the ability to withstand adversity, to grow and progress in any situation.

The horse donated by Poseidon, instead, it represents strength, vigor, military strategy, aptitude to conquer legions and win battles.

Two different models of civilization clashed.

The Athenians, after a long discussion, decided to rely on Athena, from which the name of the city derived.

In honor of the Goddess it was built on the Acropolis, the highest point of the city, the Parthenon,a temple considered the best realization of classical Greek architecture and its decorations are some of the greatest elements of Greek art.

Emblematic is how the Olive is a symbol that appears in many other legends, traditions and religions.

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