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The Flying Dutchman - Amsterdam

It is said that in 1641 a ship of the Dutch East India Company, captained by Willem Van Der Decken, departed from the port of Amsterdam for the island of Java.

The captain had a reputation for being reckless and resolute to the point of not flinching in the face of any adversity.

Approaching the Cape of Good Hope a fierce storm hit the ship, high waves hit the vessel, with intense winds and blinding flashes.

The captain, however, did not heed the pleas of his sailors, who fearing for their lives, asked for shelter in a nearby protected bay, and continued sailing.

The greedy Van Der Decken had also loaded the goods he owned that he was hoping to sell for a large sum in the Dutch Indies. So he was afraid of losing his investment.

The furious and frightened captain began to blaspheme God, all the Saints and the Devil. He claimed not to fear them because his skills as an expert navigator would save him.

The almighty annoyed sank the ship and the entire crew perished with his captain.

The souls of all the crew were rejected by death because that was not their hour and because they had perished because of the greed of another man.

So from that day on the spectres of the captain, the sailors and the vessel were forced to sail forever between Holland and the Indies without a destination or a port to dock.

The vessel would often be spotted from afar, shrouded in fog or emitting ghostly light. There are those who swear to have heard the sailors of the ship try to communicate with people on the mainland.

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