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The Dragon of the Wawel - Krakow

Updated: Oct 12, 2022

According to legend, on the hill of Wawel, located in the center of Krakow, lived a large and fierce dragon.

The dragon used to raid cattle and destroy crops.

The only thing that appeased his fury was devouring young virgins.

So every month the townspeople would bring a girl as a gift to the dragon.

Tired of the situation, the king determined that whoever killed the dragon would marry his daughter.

Very noble knights tried the feat, but they all died without success.

To complete the task was a humble shoemaker.

He set before the dragon’s dwelling a sheep filled with brimstone which the reptilian devoured with taste.

Soon the sulfur caused a strong burning in the stomach and throat of the monster, which in the grip of an uncontrollable thirst began to drink the water of the Vistula river without being able to stop, until it exploded.

At the death of the dragon, the citizens of Krakow collected the bones and kept them in the cathedral of Saints Stanislaus and Wenceslaus in memory of that epic undertaking.

The local population believes that these fossils really belong to the dragon of legend.

Even today it is believed that the presence of bones is necessary in order not to collapse the cathedral and protect the Polish city. This is why it is not allowed to carry out accurate scientific analysis of the bones found in a cave on the slopes of the mountain.

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