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The cave of Calypso - Gozo

In Gozo, a Maltese island, near the beach of Ramla, there is the cave where Calipso is said to live.

This is the largest cave of Gozo. Unfortunately today this place of enchanting beauty is not accessible because of the instability of the ground.

According to Homer, Calipso is a beautiful and immortal goddess. Is the daughter of the titan Atlante (the one who held the world on his shoulders) and Pleione.

Calipso was punished by the gods because she sided with her father in the titanomachy (the war between the Titans and the gods) and then was confined for eternity on an island where the Moire send beautiful men of which he fell in love every time but punctually these heroes were to have to leave, breaking her heart.

One day Odysseus. escaped the vortex of Charybdis, landed on the island and Calipso who fell in love with him so much that he kept him prisoner on the island for seven years. The goddess insistently offered him immortality in order to stay with her, but Odysseus always refused because he kept in his heart the desire to return to Ithaca.

🥲 The tears and prayers of Odysseus were received by Athena, who was sorry for her protégé, and asked Zeus to intervene. The God then sent Hermes to convince Calipso to let him leave, and she with a broken heart consented.

When the hero sailed from the island, Calipso despaired and cried. Shrieks and tragic laments. According to legend, even today you can hear the cry of the goddess coming out of the cave and that is why no one has built houses or businesses in the surrounding area.

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