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The Bat of Valencia - Valencia

The Arabs, during their rule in Valencia, bred bats to defend themselves from insects, parasites and mosquitoes that came from the marshy areas surrounding the city. Even the sultans owned several of them inside the royal palace.

The last sultan dreamed that as long as the "royal bat" could fly free, his reign would continue.

So he ordered the animal to be cared for and treated well, so that it would have a long life. He created all the conditions for a good omen.

In 1238 a Christian army led by James I besieged the city to regain it.

One night, while the Christian army slept, the Muslim troops attempted a surprise attack.

That night the royal bat, attracted by the colors and figure of the dragon on the shield of the enemy army flew into the camp of James 1.

Flying the bat hit drums and armor

The sound of drums and armour roused the troops of the Christian army, who noticed the enemy’s surprise attack.

The Christian army quickly defended itself and drove out rivals, that day Valencia fell and ended the Arab rule.

The bat began to be considered a totemic animal and the king, as a sign of recognition, placed the depiction of the bat above its royal shield, which became over time the emblem of the city of Valencia

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