Without fire men lived as animals, fed on berries, roots and raw complexion. They used branches and bones to make tools and weapons.
So Prometheus decided to intervene to rescue humanity. He stole burning embers from the fire of the gods on Mount Olympus and distributed them to men.
The fire always changed the life of men and the whole of humanity began to prosper, melting the metal there was an evolution and an improvement in the quality of life. Soon, however, the fires kindled on it became visible to the gods.
Zeus enraged with promise for theft he felt challenged and so he decided to punish him. He instructed his henchmen Nannies (Violence) and Kratos (Power) to imprison prometheus on the peak of a mountain where with the help of Hephaestus u chained to a rock.
The penalty was that Every day for eternity an eagle would go as a prometheus to rip his abdomen and eat his liver. The skin and organs of the hero every night regenerated and be taken back the next day by the eagle.
Prometheus was not the only one to be punished for the theft of fire, Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create Pandora, the woman who would foment men with hardship, war and death.